Sunday, February 27, 2011

back to the needles

last week, during the recent sleet-fest, i had a little accident in which i managed to bend a tire rim and wrench my right wrist on the steering wheel. unfortunately, i hold my crochet hook in that hand, so i decided to give crochet a rest and revisit the long-abandoned knitting needles.

my friend, mair, suggested to me that as a crocheter, i might enjoy the continental style of knitting where you hold your yarn in your left hand and kind of pick at loops with your right needle. it didn't take too long to learn and i love it!

continental purling, however, is a scrabbly, low-down and dirty affair, where i have abandoned all hope of holding my hands like the pretty pictures and just kind of wrangle the loops over and through like i'm busy hot-wiring a car.

this week i am going to give my knit and purl skills a good stretch of simple practice looking to improve my consistency. at this point, my knit stitches are loose and the purls are tight--but i haven't dropped a stitch in 20 rows and i think that might be my new record.


  1. YAY!

    Make some washcloths or potholders. Nobody cares if they are a bit uneven from tension, and it helps get the practice in!

    Even with all the practice i have, i still have to stop and think about purling at first. and i TOTALLY can't do it continental style at all. my hands just looked at me in total confusion, as if i had asked them to replace my feet, the first 6 times i tried. I decided i would wait until summer before i try that again, in the hopes that the warmer weather will make my hands more willing to try new things.

  2. will do! i might need some cotton.

    wheeee! excuse to buy yarn!
