Friday, November 25, 2011

FO: final shots of the teensy sweaters

i've been taking a break from yarning to work on ideas for an upcoming crochet project, but in the meantime, i thought i would post my own photos of the last projects on violet's doll. the folk in the back are long time members of my office knitting group. we've been meeting every wednesday for about 6 years and most of us learned to knit from one of our coworkers. not everyone works on a project every week, but we meet regardless to catch up and chat!

note: the doll's dress was sewn by violet's unstoppably craftastic mom, robyn!


  1. honestly, no pressure - just curious. where is you now wiff your crochet (and/or knitting) ?

  2. i will try to get a post up this week and show you all what i have been doing!
